The experts of the XperTeam Zrt. – XT – have decades of software-product knowledge and proven expertise facilitating services. The team’s specialty filed is Oracle technology and more specifically from the Oracle database manager, through the up-to-date dedicated products and development devices of Oracle, to the HW and SW integrated products of Oracle. The XT is precisely the delivery partner for applications serving the area of business intelligence and decision supporting IT solutions.

The range of available services starting from the setup of IT architecture, the quality management of product – system – operation, extends to the planning, testing, optimizing, migration, enclosing the operation and operational support.

The field of expertise includes three emphasized professional areas:

  • System developing strategy, quality management, execution for data warehouse and business intelligence;oracle-gold-partner-mbsm0i06a6m74wan9s74zdnfg7ffphgfh04yybzv2g
  • Consulting service and license optimization Oracle products ;
  • Consulting and sales service for Oracle – SUN integrated systems (Engineered Systems)

Our company is proud for delivering world class knowledge and experience and our doors are always open to our clients and partners. To our clients our services are available in Hungarian, English and Romanian.

Product specializations
  • Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)
  • Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB)
  • Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI)
  • Oracle BigData (Hadoop, NoSQL)
  • Oracle R Enterprise
  • Oracle Database Appliance
  • Oracle Financial Service Analytical Appliaction (OFSAA)
  • Oracle Appliaction Express (APEX)
  • Oracle Portal
  • Oracle Weblogic
  • Oracle Exadata
  • Oracle Exalytics
  • Oracle BigData Appliance
Expert certifications
  • Oracle Sparc Systems
  • Oracle Exadata
  • Oracle Database Appliance
  • Oracle Database & RAC
  • Internet Application Developer
  • Oracle Data Warehouse

Competences regarding Oracle Database products

Amongst the most commonly known and used products of Oracle, the database products are taking the prime. However the range of database products is of course more extensive than a few years ago. Over the years the database products family is having more products that are takes over the load of experts using databases. The database products of Oracle can be categorized in the following groups:

  • Oracle Database (Oracle database and its optional extensions)
  • Oracle Database In-Memory (In Memory database)
  • Oracle Multitenant (application of multitenancy for databases [pluggable database])
  • Oracle Real Application Clusters
  • Data Warehousing (data warehouse systems)
  • Database High Availability (database tools with high availability)
  • Database Security (tools and products increasing the security of the database)
  • My SQL
  • Oracle NoSQL Database
  • Times-Ten In Memory Database

Our experts know well the products of every category and optional functions. This is because of the 10-15 years of professional experience with Oracle products and partially we are lifelong learners, developing our knowledge continuously also we are doing or best to get the manufacturer’s certificates regarding new products or products functions.

Competency regarding Oracle Data warehouse and business intelligence

Whenever the efficiency of queries ran on OLTP systems is not sufficient for the needs of business areas, or complex analyses has to be run with multiple OLTP system sources, then data mart or data warehouse building should be facilitated. Kompetenciak3The data warehouse systems are capable of serving these business requirements efficiently and with an acceptable execution time for the business side as well. At data warehouses the data from source systems will be integrated into data marts, the main focus here is that when loading in and data to the data warehouse, the loading in itself and the transformations shall happen in a way that suits the queries of business regarding with highest efficiency and providing results for business in an acceptable timeframe.

The fields of data warehouse and business intelligence are always coming hands in hands. Although a data warehouse reporting tool is capable of fulfilling the pre-defined reports of business, however is less capable of creating ad-hoc reports and uploading them from data warehouse, also incapable of supporting up-to-date analysis work. The business intelligence software are providing all these advantages, also because the user is capable of analyzing their own data, they are decreasing the areas dependency from the IT (experts). This is also an advantage to IT, because in many cases it is not easy for the IT experts to understand and correctly replicate the needs with available IT tools (of e.g. economics, medical area, research areas, etc.).

The eldest professional expertise of XT is data warehouse building. Our experts are building and operating data warehouses for already 10-15 years, also this area of business is presend since the founding of XperTeam. We are especially proud, that we’ve won the project (when we were less than one year old) of rebuilding the data warehouse of the Jordan Housing Bank for Trade & Finance, where we succeeded. Since founding the company we’ve proven our professional abilities for several clients, which is accredited by the local representative of Oracle the Oracle Hungary.

We have our own products in the field of BI. The EGO (Excel Generator for Oracle) is an entry level products, which enables creating Excel statements automated. Amongst the flexibility the greatest advantage of the product that it is cost efficient, because there is no other license needed for operation than Oracle database and MS Office.Kompetenciak4

The name of the XperTeam in Hungary is by now bound to the setup of Oracle based data warehouse and business intelligence systems. Our company is well known for the quick delivering Oracle based data warehouse products on a professionally outstanding level.

Competencies regarding Oracle integrated systems

Kompetenciak5Az Oracle Integrált termékeinek (Oracle Engineered Systems) megjelenése régi vágya az Oracle mérnökeinek, még azokra az időkre tehető, amikor az Oracle nem rendelkezett hardvergyártásra szakosodott üzletággal. Az első integrált rendszer 2008-ban jelent meg és „HP Oracle Database Machine” néven került a piacra. A termék sikerességét a két gyártó közötti együttműködési gondok gátolták. 2009-ben jelent meg az Exadata V2 (teljes nevén Oracle Exadata Database Machine V2) amelyhez már az akkoriban az Oracle által frissen megvásárolt SUN-Microsystems hardverét alkalmazták. A termék óriási siker lett, még a megjelenés évében.2010-ben jelent meg a következő generáció, mely már az Exadata X2 kódjelet kapta, a termékek pedig az X2-2 illetve az X2-8 megjelölést. Ezzel kezdetét vette az Oracle Exadata termék sikersorozata. Ma aktuálisan az X5 sorozatnál tartunk, mely mind processzorteljesítményben, mind memóriában, mind pedig tárolókapacitásba többszöröse az elődmodellnek.

Ma az Oracle Engineered termékei nem csak az adatbázis, mint termék futtatásához, hanem számos más termékhez is rendelhetőek. Közös jellemzőik, hogy az adott termék futtatásához hangolt, alacsony karbantartási igényű és kimagaslóan előnyös licenszelésű környezeteket biztosítanak. A integrált termékek esetében nagyon fontos minden esetben szem előtt tartani, hogy ezek a termékek nem szerverek, hanem futtatási infrastruktúrák, melyeket üzembe helyezés előtt gondosan méretezni kell és az új integrált környezetre történő migráció is alapos tervezést igényel.